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Trading Options and Futures



Trading "Optures and Futions" to Combine the Best of Both Worlds

A complete course on trading with combinations of Options and Futures.



"With this course, Joe Ross boosts our awareness. There is a world of possibilities out there that many of us knew very little about prior to this book, which is a true masterpiece of trading intelligence. To be aware of other instruments and to know how and when to use and to combine them is essential knowledge every trader should make a sincere effort to acquire." ~ Manfred Wurr, Germany


In this book, Master Trader Joe Ross reveals the options "secret" and unmasks the mystery players in the options industry. It may, and should, change your entire career and outlook as a trader. If you have been a purchaser of options, it should change your entire mindset about buying options.

Over time, successful traders change strategies as the nature of the markets change. By learning about options and how you can use them, you will be finding it easier to trade and win. Options will simply become another tool to place in an ever-growing repertoire of implements you need to survive in today‘s markets.

This book is a complete course on how to put money in your pocket through trading with combinations of futures and options. The ideas and concepts revealed in the book work equally well with stock options. People think they risk less when trading stocks, as they rarely see a stock going down to zero, but actually they risk a lot without having hedged their position. When trading the right options or combination of options, you greatly reduce that risk. More than that, you have your risk defined before you enter the trade.

Highlights and Benefits

Combining Options and Futures, or Options and Stocks

Combining the best of both worlds is what makes you a winner, that's how we came up with Optures and Futions.  Joe Ross teaches you the strategies for trading virtually any situation you can encounter in the market. You will learn how to trade with much less capital, and thus dramatically increase the return on the capital you actually use. You will make your trading life a lot easier by trading with a lot less risk.

You will learn how to increase your probability of success, and you will actually know your risk before getting into the trade. You can forget about getting into a stock or a futures position with a 50% probability of success. You will learn how you can make money even if you are initially wrong about the direction of the market. Joe teaches you what to do with the trades that go your way, and how to defend the ones that do not.

The Options Mystique and the Secret that Makes Them Easy

Why mystique? Options books as a rule tend to be long on theory and short on practical application. They also tend to be either too elementary, including 50 pages of definitions, or too complicated, written for a PhD mathematician. Joe teaches you how to use options as a tool, not as a separate entity having its own jargon. You will be not an options trader, an equities trader, or a futures trader, but a complete trader who uses all markets in balance - and wins.

What secret? You are discouraged in many ways from becoming an options seller. Option selling is often presented as a complicated, mysterious, highly mathematical process reserved for only those with huge amounts of money who are able to take enormously dangerous risk.

Joe reveals to you not only the entire options secret, but also the identity of the mystery participants in the markets who at times manipulate the markets. It is their influence that causes the markets to become as frenzied and chaotic as they do. The mystery players also hold the options secret. They do their best to prevent you from ever learning what it is all about. Joe tells you all that they keep secret; the real story behind successful options trading, and why they want to lure you into subscribing to various magical advisory services.

Learning About the Markets and How to Use Options to Assist You in Trading

Most traders have no desire to be pure options traders, and the mathematics of options is mostly unnecessary information. Joe teaches you how you can benefit from options using the trading experience you have already attained. You will learn how to read a chart of the underlying futures or stock, and thus you will have a distinct advantage over options traders, the majority of whom are ignorant of how to read a simple bar chart.

Joe goes into detail, and shows you four simple patterns that are all you need to recognize in order to profitably trade options. As you progress through this course, you will learn other easily recognizable market phenomena, any one of which can make you a fortune by applying the correct options strategy at the correct time.

Getting Paid to Trade in the Business of Trading Options

Joe shows why the trading of options in combination with the underlying instrument is such a fantastic way to trade.  You will understand why traders of strictly futures or stocks for so many years suddenly want to trade options. The reasons are many and varied, but one of the most important is that markets have changed so drastically that trading purely futures or stocks has often gone beyond the risk tolerance of most traders.

It may shock you when Joe tells you how options enable you to use OPM (other people's money) in your trading. Can you imagine going into a bank or lending institution and telling them that you want to borrow money for purposes of trading in the markets? Yet with options, you don‘t even have to fill out a form in order to get tons of OPM with which to trade. The options markets allow you to be paid for trading, and to get your money up front. It's yours to keep forever.

Using Patterns for Success, and Taking What Market Gives You

One of the most difficult situations traders ever have to deal with is in trading inside a Trading Range. Joe teaches you two strategies to trade inside trading ranges that result in your survival in the marketplace while others lose fortunes. You will also learn strategies using a combination of the underlying instrument and options for trading the breakout of a trading range and strategies for trend following with 1-2-3s, Ledges, and Ross Hooks.

Nobody knows what a market will do next. Joe teaches you strategies to enter a market that is not trending and on which you have no opinion, or you are slightly bullish or bearish about. Then he shows you powerful strategies you can apply when a market is trending and you have no problem having an opinion.

"The best of the best" comes when Joe shows you four of his favorite strategies for trading Optures and Futions. These have all stood the test of time. If a trader did nothing more than wait for the right market conditions to apply these, patience would have its high reward.

Trading Optures and Futions reveals the innermost secrets of options traders

Table of Contents


If you want the best chance of success as a trader in the futures markets, or even the stock markets, YOU MUST LEARN TO TRADE OPTIONS.


"Dear Joe, I have read many books on trading, then I purchased your book about Spreads Trading then the Day Trading and Trading Is A Business. I was so impressed with each one. The best part of the book "Trading Optures and Futions" is the whole concept of the book about using options and futures as hedges, and the truth about being a writer of options."  ~ Andy Edmans




Trading Optures and Futions Hardback Book



Dimensions:  H 11 1/4" x W 8 5/8"

502 pages

30-Day Money Back Guarantee*

Hardcover Only


*If you aren't thrilled with Trading Optures and Futions, just send it back within 30 days and we'll refund 100% of your purchase price (less s&h).


Additional Info

  • Time: Long Term Trading
  • Market: Futures, ETFs/Stock

Derivative transactions, including futures, are complex and carry a high degree of risk. They are intended for sophisticated investors and are not suitable for everyone. There are numerous other factors related to the markets in general or to the implementation of any specific trading program which cannot be fully accounted for in the preparation of hypothetical performance results, and all of which can adversely affect actual trading results. For more information, see the Risk Disclosure Statement for Futures and Options.